Setting up Rewards Activities, Challenges, etc.

How to create a percentage Cashback Reward for your loyalty tiers

Reward customers with % points back as Cashback

Written by Jason
Updated 3 months ago
Written by Nora
Updated 4 months ago
Written by Nora
Updated 2 months ago
Written by Nora
Updated 7 months ago

How Birthday Rewards Work

Birthdays are a special reward activity where your users give you their birthday and are rewarded with store credit, a free gift, a discount code or a collectible on that day.

Written by Nora
Updated 8 months ago

How Activity Scheduling Works

How Start Date and End Dates work

Written by Nora
Updated 2 months ago

List of all Reward Activities

Activities are actions that customers can take to earn store credit - they are set up in your Merchant Portal. They are automated so once you set them up once, your customers will receive rewards automatically!

Written by Nora
Updated 6 months ago

Rewarding for Social Activities

With Toki, you can reward for social behaviors such as follow, like, post and join on the following platforms.

Written by Nora
Updated 8 months ago

Setting up VIP Tiers + Perks

How Gifting Works

There are two ways you can set up gifting to work with your VIP Tier

Written by Nora
Updated 8 months ago

List of all VIP Tier Perks

You can reward your members with a number of perks as they unlock VIP tiers

Written by Nora
Updated 6 months ago

Setting Up Your VIP Tiers

Setting up your VIP Tiers is easy in just a few steps

Written by Nora
Updated 8 months ago

Auto Apply Perks to Checkout

You can auto apply reward tier discount codes + free shipping codes at checkout using the Auto apply tiers codes module. Here's how to put it on the checkout page:

Written by Nora
Updated 8 months ago

Structural Decisions

Setting Spending Limitations

If you don't want your members to spend too many points at one time in order to preserve your margins.

Written by Nora
Updated 2 months ago

Giving Points/Store Credits vs. Discount Codes

Traditional referral programs and newsletter capture programs give away coupon codes for the actions you do.

Written by Nora
Updated 8 months ago

Using Total Code vs. Spending Openly

There are two different ways you can set up your VIP program, so that your customers can decide how many points they spend at any given time...or not.

Written by Nora
Updated 8 months ago

Setting Tier Expirations

If you would like for users to expire out of a tier after a certain period of time because they haven't done a certain activity, you can create a reset period.

Written by Nora
Updated 8 months ago

How Activity Limits Work

You can always set a limit to the number of times an activity can be completed. 

Written by Nora
Updated 8 months ago

Types of Reward Currency

You can reward your customers with points, cashback or store credit. Points can also be branded however you like.

Written by Nora
Updated 8 months ago

Points/Currency Expiration

How to set an expiration to your points or store credit

Written by Nora
Updated 4 months ago

Perk/Product/Point Redemption

Written by Nora
Updated 7 months ago
Written by Nora
Updated 8 months ago

Bulk Actions

Resetting a Bulk of Members Credit to Zero

In the instance you want to press the reset button on all your members.

Written by Nora
Updated 2 months ago

Give Bulk Credit to Segment of Members

Here is how to give a bulk number of users credit

Written by Nora
Updated 8 months ago

Additional articles

How to Fetch Past Order History

This article will guide you on how to fetch past order history.

Written by Jaha
Updated 5 months ago
Written by Jaha
Updated 6 months ago
Written by Jaha
Updated 6 months ago
Written by Jaha
Updated 6 months ago
Written by Nora
Updated 6 months ago
Written by Nora
Updated 7 months ago